About this E-Learning Course

Parent entities (i.e. entities that control another entity) are required by IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements to present consolidated financial statements. This course provides an overview of the principles in IFRS 10 for determining if an investor (i.e. the parent) controls another entity and specifically covers:

  • Scope of IFRS 10

  • Accounting for investment entities

  • Determining when an investor controls and investee

  • Does the investor have power over the investee?

  • Does the investor have exposure to variable returns?

  • Is there a link between power and returns?

  • This course does not provide any guidance on the mechanics of how to consolidate an investee into a set of group financial statements.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Consolidated Financial Statements

    • Welcome!

    • Consolidated Financial Statements

How this course can help your business

It is not always straightforward to identify whether an investor controls an investee, and therefore when consolidated financial statements must be prepared. This course will help you to understand when an investor controls an investee through the use of simple examples.

Meet your course instructors

IFRS Instructor

Aletta Boshoff

Aletta is an Advisory Partner and National Leader of IFRS & Corporate Reporting at BDO in Australia. Aletta has over 25 years’ experience in financial reporting and accounting, including IFRS. Aletta has lectured on financial accounting and reporting, auditing and assurance and taxation at various Australian and South African universities. As an Associate Professor, she authored various financial reporting and accounting textbooks. Aletta also spent several years as a Project Manager at the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).