About this E-Learning Course
This course provides an overview of how an entity should account for employee benefits in accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. However, this course does not cover the accounting for a defined benefit superannuation plan because there are very few of these plans remaining in Australia. This course does not provide any information on how to account for a defined contribution superannuation plan, it simply provides information on how an entity accounts for the contributions paid into a defined contribution superannuation plan.
The topics included in this course are as follows:
Objective and scope of IAS 19
Overview of the different categories of employee benefits (short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, other long-term benefits and termination benefits)
An overview of the recognition and measurement requirement for each category of employee benefits, and
An overview of the presentation and disclosure requirements included in IAS 19.
Course curriculum
Employee Benefits
IAS 19 Employee Benefits
How this course can help your business
Meet your course instructor

IFRS Instructor
Aletta Boshoff