About this E-Learning Course

This course provides an overview of how a reporting entity should assess whether it jointly controls an investee, and therefore whether it accounts for the investee as a joint arrangement in accordance with the requirements in IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements. It also covers how an investor should classify the joint arrangement (as either a joint operation or a joint venture) so it can correctly account for the investee in its group or separate financial statements.

The topics included in this course are as follows:

  • Interaction between standards and scope of IFRS 11

  • What is a joint arrangement?

  • What is a contractual arrangement?

  • What is joint control?

  • Does an investor have joint control over an arrangement?

  • Joint de-facto control

  • Substantive vs protective rights

  • How is a joint arrangement classified?

  • How does a party to a joint arrangement account for its interest?

  • This course does not provide information on the mechanics of how to measure a joint arrangement in the financial statements of the investor.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Joint Arrangements

    • Welcome!

    • Joint Arrangements

How this course can help your business

It is often difficult for an investor to determine if it is a party to a joint arrangement, as defined in IFRS 11. This course will help you to identify if you are a party to a joint arrangement because it provides an overview of the specific criteria and definitions used in IFRS 11 for determining whether an arrangement should be classified as a joint arrangement. This course will also assist you in determining whether the joint arrangement should be classified as a joint operation or joint venture so that you can correctly account for the joint arrangement in your financial statements.

Meet your course instructor

IFRS Instructor

Aletta Boshoff

Aletta is an Advisory Partner and National Leader of IFRS & Corporate Reporting at BDO in Australia. Aletta has over 25 years’ experience in financial reporting and accounting, including IFRS. Aletta has lectured on financial accounting and reporting, auditing and assurance and taxation at various Australian and South African universities. As an Associate Professor, she authored various financial reporting and accounting textbooks. Aletta also spent several years as a Project Manager at the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).