About this E-Learning Course

This course is broken into separate units and provides an overview of how an entity should account for revenue in accordance with IFRS 15, including:

  • Overview of the revenue recognition model

  • Identifying the contract

  • Identifying the separate performance obligations in the contract

  • Determining & allocating the transaction price

  • Recognise revenue

  • Accounting for licencing arrangements

  • Determining whether an entity acts as a principal or agent in a transaction

  • Accounting for contract costs

  • Accounting for onerous contracts

  • Recognising revenue

Course curriculum

  • 1

    IFRS 15 Revenue Recognition (E-Learning)

    • Welcome!

    • Overview

    • Step 1 - Identify the contract

    • Step 2- Identify separate performance obligations in the contract

    • Step 3 - Determine the transaction price

    • Step 4 - Allocate the transaction price to performance obligations

    • Step 5 - Recognise revenue when each performance obligation is satisfied

    • Contract costs

    • Licences

    • Principal vs Agent

    • Treatment of onerous contracts

    • Transition

    • Disclosure

How this course can help your business

Investors and other users of financial statements typically consider the revenue line in a financial report to be one of the most important performance measures. However, it can be challenging for preparers of financial statements to understand the complex requirements included within IFRS 15. This course provides you with an overview of the main requirements of the Standard, including easy to understand examples that illustrate key concepts. This will enable you to identify complex transactions where you may need to seek expert advice.

Meet your course instructor

IFRS Instructor

Aletta Boshoff

Aletta is an Advisory Partner and National Leader of IFRS & Corporate Reporting at BDO in Australia. Aletta has over 25 years’ experience in financial reporting and accounting, including IFRS. Aletta has lectured on financial accounting and reporting, auditing and assurance and taxation at various Australian and South African universities. As an Associate Professor, she authored various financial reporting and accounting textbooks. Aletta also spent several years as a Project Manager at the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB).